Celebrate With Us...

We would like to share our baptism with all of you, our friends and family. God has abundantly blessed our time here on Maui and drawn us each into a deeper relationship with Jesus. It has been awesome and we look forward to sharing our experience with each of you when we see you again.
Jeff and I chose to be "re-baptized" as a symbol of fully re-dedicating our lives to God; Joe chose to be baptized to demonstrate his love for Jesus. Our baptism took place in the ocean across the street from our church, by Pastor Dominic (on the right in the following pictures) and Jacob, a church elder.
It was an amazing experience and we were blessed to have special friends there to share it: Mary and Allan Hayes (visiting from Bellevue), David and Glenda (our neighbors), Elyssa Done (a new friend and sister in Christ) and several people from our church family here.
We send you all love and aloha--and pray that God will bless you as richly as He has blessed us.