The View From Here
Every day is a day in paradise, no matter where you are. Aloha! Here's the story of our Hawaii adventure--living on Maui for most of a year (Sept. 05-May 06).
Heaven Sent
Here's what friendship over 16 years (through thick and thin and jobs and kids and everything in between) looks like! It all began when Jan Johnston and I were hired at the same time, for the same jobs, at Eddie Bauer in 1988. Now we just meet for a loooong lunch at Olive Garden every few months. (Jan is one of God's greatest blessings in my life.)
The Temple of Doom
Spent a few hours in the torture chamber, er, I mean, the dentist's office, on Tuesday getting a temporary crown wedged in my mouth. Which means I have to return for the permanent crown in two weeks. I kept telling myself it was all part of the preparation for our year in Hawaii...